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Episode 17: June 2024

Network-Wide CRN User News

now available to all CRN partners!

 Accountable Health Communities Model

The Accountable Health Communities Model AHCM is a Social Determents of Health screener that addresses critical resource gaps between providers, essential services, and community resources to improve health outcomes for people with social health needs. The AHCM Screener helps identify and address needs for food, housing, transportation, utilities, and interpersonal safety.

The AHCM screening tool is now available in CRN for Network Partners upon request. Please reach out to Tess McInnis, Jeff Stoddart, or your Community Advisor for more information about utilizing the screener in CRN.

New 2024 Training Schedule Released


Network-Wide Utilization Stats
(to see region-specific numbers, scroll to the bottom)

Regional News

West Mountain

Sherri Corey,
Director of Community Relations
West Mountain Region

Tina Hughes,
Community Advisor
West Mountain Region

West Mountain News

Community Spotlight West Mountain

Promoting community solutions and empowering individuals with a disability to live independently

Our History
Center For Independence is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-residential, grassroots, State of Colorado certified independent living center, assisting people with disabilities.

In 1982 we began as Helen Campbell Center for the Blind, founded by five newly blind women who recognized the need for and offered skills in survival and independent living for people with visual impairments. In 1986, services were expanded to encompass and acknowledge the needs of people with all types of disabilities, both physical and mental. The Center now serves 12 counties within 40,000 square miles on the Western Slope of Colorado serving people – our consumers with disabilities.

Our Philosophy
CFI is governed by people with disabilities – nothing about us without us! We work to uphold the Independent Living philosophy: that people with disabilities have the right to live their lives independently, with dignity, and to their fullest potential. CFI provides information to individuals and businesses about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), accessibility guidelines, and other technical assistance. Our Board of Directors and Staff are comprised of 51% or more people with disabilities, which gives CFI insight in the design and delivery of our services.

Centers for Independent Living History
We are consumer-driven, community based non-residential, not-for-profit organizations with the goal of providing individualized service and system advocacy to persons with all types of disabilities. Services are provided regardless of whether individuals are newly disabled because of aging, accident or illness, or experience life-long disability. All the CILs across the United States of America will work with your needs to find a goal plan (independent living plan) that works best for you and your disability.

Ed Roberts, the founding Father of the IL Centers, started his in 1972, in Berkeley, California. The start of the Independent Living movement and Federal statute came as part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, reauthorized in 1978. What was happening in 1974-78? The Vietnam war and the returning veterans who needed all forms of medical, educational, and community supports.

Welcome Our New CRN Partners in West Mountain!

Dyslexia Foundation of Western CO

Website Click Here

Dyslexia Foundation of Western Colorado provides educational screenings and consultation services to individuals who struggle with literacy. We provide two hour appointments in which screenings for a variety of processing disorders and learning disabilities are offered. Individuals are then provided consultation services and connected to further resources pertinent to their needs. We offer scholarships for tutoring intervention and assistive technology, provide CEC and PD credit for teachers, parents, and other support professionals, and more. We serve five counties across Western Colorado and are located in Grand Junction.

Regions: Mesa County, Delta, Montrose, West Mountain

CRN Use: Receiving electronic referrals and participating in Care Teams

Stepping Stones of the Roaring Fork Valley

Website Click Here

We deliver comprehensive, relationally-centered services that build protective factors and mediate risk factors through our Youth Program (ages 10-14) and Young Adult Program (ages 15-24). Our holistic program model includes: mentoring and case management, safe space, basic needs services, mental health services, educational support, skill development and community connections

Regions Served: West Mountain

CRN Usage: Receives email referrals from CRN

A Network Partner Organization has users in CRN and may accept electronic referrals through CRN

An Associated Partner does not have users in CRN, but accepts email/fax referrals that are sent though CRN

Mesa County

Angela Rodriguez 
Community Advisor
Mesa County

Wade Montgomery
Community Advisor
Mesa County

Mesa County News

Community Spotlight Mesa County

Increasing the time fathers spend with their children

Hilltop’s Fatherhood Program offers a range of services designed to support and empower fathers. The program focuses on positive parenting, healthy marriages, economic stability, and peer leadership. It aims to increase the time fathers spend with their children, teach age-appropriate interaction and play, and promote nurturing behaviors. Additionally, the program enhances fathers’ understanding of their child’s development and the child support system while fostering sustained employment. Overall, it empowers fathers to be actively involved in their children’s lives.

If you have children or are a father figure in someone’s life, check out our website at hilltopfatherhoodprogram.org or call 970-243-0190 if you live in Mesa County or 970-252-7447 if you live in Montrose County.

Welcome Our New CRN Partners in Mesa County!

Dyslexia Foundation of Western CO

Website Click Here

Dyslexia Foundation of Western Colorado provides educational screenings and consultation services to individuals who struggle with literacy. We provide two hour appointments in which screenings for a variety of processing disorders and learning disabilities are offered. Individuals are then provided consultation services and connected to further resources pertinent to their needs. We offer scholarships for tutoring intervention and assistive technology, provide CEC and PD credit for teachers, parents, and other support professionals, and more. We serve five counties across Western Colorado and are located in Grand Junction.

Regions: Mesa County, Delta, Montrose, West Mountain

CRN Use: Receiving electronic referrals and participating in Care Teams

Evergreen Prosthetics & Orthotics

Website click here.

Here at Evergreen, we have a passion for clinical excellence and dependable care. We will always do our very best to provide the highest quality care. We offer a complete holistic care approach to all patients. Evergreen can provide orthotic and prosthetic solutions with knowledge and experience. Practitioners have advanced training in cervical and spinal care, pediatrics, diabetic care, and wound care to produce optimal outcomes for our patients. Evergreen provides custom-built or ‘off-the-shelf’ solutions for musculoskeletal weakness, instability, limb loss or deformity. Most insurance is accepted – Free evaluations and follow-up care for the life of the provided device. Evergreen is happy to educate providers on custom and ‘off-the-shelf’ devices to ensure a complete care plan for patients. Medical professionals and potential patients can call the office to ask questions about potential orthotic or prosthetic devices.

CRN usage: Receives Email/Fax Referrals

Regions: Mesa County, Delta, Montrose

Evergreen Prosthetics & Orthotics

Website click here.

Working with individuals, local agencies, hospitals and providers we seek and find senior housing and service options. Our services are free and professional. We will coordinate all aspects of transition as needed.

CRN Use: Receiving electronic referrals and participating in Care Teams

Regions: Mesa County, Delta, Montrose

Loving Beyond Understanding

Website click here.

The Center by Loving Beyond Understanding strives to provide a collaborative, safe, affinity space for LGBTQ+ and gender-diverse individuals. We offer individual and family LGBTQ+ resource navigation, and we provide our social support and connection through our activity groups for all ages, genders, intersections, and parents. Loving Beyond Understanding also offers LGBTQ+ cultural awareness trainings for mental health, medical, and social services providers.

CRN Use: Sending and Receiving electronic referrals and participating in Care Teams

Regions: Delta, Gunnison, Mesa County

A Network Partner Organization has users in CRN and may accept electronic referrals through CRN

An Associated Partner does not have users in CRN, but accepts email/fax referrals that are sent though CRN

Delta/ Montrose/ Gunnison

Cherie Schmitz
Senior Community Advisor
Southwest Region

Delta/ Montrose/ Gunnison News

Community Spotlight Delta/Montrose/Gunnison Region

Star Light Home Health is medical home health agency providing Registered Nurses, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist and Bath Aids in the home with Doctor’s orders. We are located in Montrose and serve Montrose County and Ouray County to include Ridgway, Log Hill and Ouray.

We accept traditional Medicare, VA-TriWest and Medicaid. We do not accept Medicare Advantage Plans at this time.

For more information, email info@starlighthomehealth.com or call 970-414-1650.

CRN Usage: Accepting electronic referrals

Welcome Our New CRN Partners in Montrose/Delta/Gunnison!

Dyslexia Foundation of Western CO

Website Click Here

Dyslexia Foundation of Western Colorado provides educational screenings and consultation services to individuals who struggle with literacy. We provide two hour appointments in which screenings for a variety of processing disorders and learning disabilities are offered. Individuals are then provided consultation services and connected to further resources pertinent to their needs. We offer scholarships for tutoring intervention and assistive technology, provide CEC and PD credit for teachers, parents, and other support professionals, and more. We serve five counties across Western Colorado and are located in Grand Junction.

Regions: Mesa County, Delta, Montrose, West Mountain

CRN Use: Receiving electronic referrals and participating in Care Teams

Loving Beyond Understanding

Website click here.

The Center by Loving Beyond Understanding strives to provide a collaborative, safe, affinity space for LGBTQ+ and gender-diverse individuals. We offer individual and family LGBTQ+ resource navigation, and we provide our social support and connection through our activity groups for all ages, genders, intersections, and parents. Loving Beyond Understanding also offers LGBTQ+ cultural awareness trainings for mental health, medical, and social services providers.

CRN Use: Sending and Receiving electronic referrals and participating in Care Teams

Regions: Delta, Gunnison, Mesa County

Evergreen Prosthetics & Orthotics

Website click here.

Working with individuals, local agencies, hospitals and providers we seek and find senior housing and service options. Our services are free and professional. We will coordinate all aspects of transition as needed.

CRN Use: Receiving electronic referrals and participating in Care Teams

Regions: Mesa County, Delta, Montrose

Evergreen Prosthetics & Orthotics

Website click here.

Here at Evergreen, we have a passion for clinical excellence and dependable care. We will always do our very best to provide the highest quality care. We offer a complete holistic care approach to all patients. Evergreen can provide orthotic and prosthetic solutions with knowledge and experience. Practitioners have advanced training in cervical and spinal care, pediatrics, diabetic care, and wound care to produce optimal outcomes for our patients. Evergreen provides custom-built or ‘off-the-shelf’ solutions for musculoskeletal weakness, instability, limb loss or deformity. Most insurance is accepted – Free evaluations and follow-up care for the life of the provided device. Evergreen is happy to educate providers on custom and ‘off-the-shelf’ devices to ensure a complete care plan for patients. Medical professionals and potential patients can call the office to ask questions about potential orthotic or prosthetic devices.

CRN usage: Receives Email/Fax Referrals

Regions: Mesa County, Delta, Montrose

San Miguel County Public Health

Website click here.

Vision: Support the communities of San Miguel County to live better, longer.

Mission: To protect and enhance the health of the people and environment of San Miguel County by identifying and equitably addressing existing and emerging public health needs.

Programs Include: Immunizations, sexual health, harm reduction, WIC, birth and death certificates, community outreach, food safety, onsite wastewater septic.

Regions Served: Montrose

CRN Usage: Sending Referrals, Receiving Referrals, Joining Care Teams

A Network Partner Organization has users in CRN and may accept electronic referrals through CRN

An Associated Partner does not have users in CRN, but accepts email/fax referrals that are sent though CRN

Helpful Resources for May 2024

from the Colorado Regional Health Connector Program–> 

Funding Opportunities

  • Funding (due 6/15) – Colorado Health Foundation. The Foundation has 6 funding opportunities available: Community-Initiated Solutions, Advancing Advocacy and Justice with Communities of Color, Supporting Healthy Minds and Youth Resiliency, Equitable Community-Designed Outdoor Spaces, Supporting Holistic, Culturally Responsive and Youth-Driven Physical Well-being, and Supporting Coloradans in Recovery Through Non-clinical Programs.
  • Funding (due 6/24) – Health Center Program Expanded Hours. Supplemental funding to expand access to health center services by increasing operating hours to meet identified patient and community needs. Eligible applicants are health centers with an active H80 grant award.
  • Funding (letter of intent due 6/27) – Addressing Childhood Obesity and Health Inequities. Funding for projects that are working to promote systems level change to prevent childhood obesity, address structural racism, and advance health equity.
  • Funding (due 7/1) – Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Site-Based Program.  Grants to develop, implement, and/or expand comprehensive programs in response to the overdose crisis and the impact of illicit opioids, stimulants, or other substances.
  • Funding (due 7/2) – Community Economic Development Planning Grants. For community development corporations to build administrative capacity to design a sustainable business project and package a viable grant application. Projects should work to address community barriers, which may include social determinants of health.
  • Funding (due 7/2) – Youth Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program. OJJDP is seeking applications for funding to support cross-system collaboration to improve responses and outcomes for youth under the age of 18 or youth under the jurisdiction of the juvenile justice system with mental health disorders or co-occurring mental health substance use disorders.
  • Funding (due 7/10) – Center for Maternal and Child Health Medicaid Partnerships. This award seeks to allow for recipients to build knowledge and shared priorities between state Medicaid, CHIP, and Title V programs and provide one-to-one, state specific tailored capacity-building assistance directly to state Medicaid, CHIP, and Title V programs to support MCH.
  • Funding (due 7/12) – Community Economic Development Projects. For projects aimed at business development opportunities and creating employment for low-income individuals located in geographic areas with a demonstrated need.
  • Funding (due 8/5) – Multi-sectoral preventive interventions that address SDoH in populations that experience health disparities. This funding supports projects to test prospective multi-sectoral preventive interventions that address social determinants of health in populations that experience health disparities.
  • Funding (due 8/15) – Health Center Program New Access Point Grants. Grants to support the establishment of new health service delivery sites under the Health Center Program for underserved populations.
  • Funding (due 9/19) – Accelerating research through international network-to-network collaborations. Goals of this program are to 1) leverage prior NSF support for building research capacity towards activities that launch international research network of networks (NoN) that will lead to an accelerated advancement of an area of science after the award period and 2) recruit and foster a diverse and internationally competent US-based workforce trained in conducting and leading multi-team international collaboration. Any area funded by the National Science Foundation is eligible
  • Funding (due 2/26/25) – Strategic prevention framework. The purpose of this program is to help reduce the onset and progression of substance misuse and its related problems by supporting the development and delivery of community based substance misuse and prevention and mental health promotion services.
  • Funding (applications accepted on an ongoing basis) – Hearst Foundations Health Grants. The Hearst Foundations provide grants for organizations working to address access to healthcare for high-need populations, healthcare professional shortages, evolving healthcare demands, and medical research.
  • Funding (applications accepted on an ongoing basis) – National Grassroots Organizing Program. Two-year unrestricted, general operating support grants of up to $30,000 per year, with an average grant size of $20,000 per year, to small, constituent-led grassroots organizations throughout the US and its territories.
  • Funding (applications accepted on an ongoing basis)Economic Development Assistance. Funding to support the implementation of regional economic development, including public works projects and job creation projects. Past projects have included funding for water and wastewater projects in hospitals and healthcare facilities and road infrastructure projects that would support the expansion of healthcare facilities. Rural tribal and other underserved communities are of priority.
  • Funding (applications accepted on an ongoing basis) – Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Grants for innovative projects that are working to build health equity, ensuring that everyone has access to the care they need and all families have the opportunity to make healthier choices.

Webinars, Trainings & Conferences

  • In-Person: 2024 Colorado Health Symposium, (Re)Writing Narratives: Advancing Equity and Justice – Wed-Fri, July 24-26. Join us for this opportunity to come together and share ideas about how shifting, shaping and expanding narratives can lead to fairer and more inclusive conversations, policies and practices regarding health equity and racial justice. $575 general registration/$300 for nonprofit, education, government.
  • Online asynchronous course: AgriSafe FarmResponse – This online, on-demand course provides training on competencies that are necessary to provide appropriate mental healthcare for agricultural producers and their families. $150.

News & Resources:

  • Accountable Care Collaborative Phase III Announcement: The Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) is pleased to announce that they have officially published the Accountable Care Collaborative (ACC) Phase III Request for Proposal on the Colorado Vendor Self Service website as RFP-UHAA-2024000332-1.
  • The Rural Health Information Hub has a new resource on finding and acquiring funding, Funding Starting Points, for rural communities.
  • 2024 U.S. National Survey on the Mental Health of LGBTQ+ Young People: The Trevor Project’s national survey amplifies the experiences of more than 18,000 LGBTQ+ young people ages 13 to 24 across the United States. For the sixth year, the U.S. National Survey uncovers the reality that there is a significant association between anti-LGBTQ+ victimization and disproportionately high rates of suicide risk — and that far too many young people struggle to access the mental health care they need.
  • Call for Proposals: 2024 Annual Colorado Rural Health Conference. Proposals due 7/14. Conference will take place October 2-4 in Broomfield and provides an opportunity for Colorado’s certified Rural Health Clinics (RHCs), rural clinics, and other rural providers and healthcare professionals interested in learning more about rural specific healthcare to convene, learn and network together.
  • Recorded Webinar: “Implementing Harm Reduction Initiatives in Rural Communities.” Discusses successes and challenges of a harm reduction project in a rural area, including in establishing community buy-in and financial sustainability. Webinar slides.